Sunday, June 01, 2014

E' bello riaverti

Tu non lo sai come si sta
nell'infinita attesa 

dietro una porta chiusa
tra oggetti che guardano te.

Ci dormi su, ci bevi su

vivi così per dire e non ne sai uscire

ma andare via come si fa?

Qui non c'era molto senza te

io ho fatto del mio meglio ma

ci si può smarrire tra le cose care

inventate in due.

Quando vorrai si spiegherà

che avvenne quella sera 

non l'ho capito ancora
ma è bello sai riaverti qui.

Qui nel petto e nella mente mia 

c'era amore e non è andato via

e lo puoi sentire dentro me tremare.

Qui ti prego non giochiamo più

qui con gli occhi e nuove stelle tu

porti luce ancora dove più non c'era.

Ci si può smarrire tra le cose care
inventate in due.

~ Pooh ~ 1978

Saturday, May 03, 2014

I Know You Won't

I know you don't mean to be mean to me
'cause when you want to you can make me feel like we belong
We belong...
Lately you make me feel all I am is a back-up plan
I say I'm done and then you smile at me and I forget
Everything I said

I buy into those eyes
And into your lies

You say you'll call, but I know you
You say you're coming home, but I know you
You say you'll call, but I know you won't
You say you'll call, but I know you won't

I wish you were where you're supposed to be
close to me…
But here I am just staring at this candle burning out

And still no sound
of footsteps on my stairs
or your voice anywhere

You say you'll call, but I know you
You say you're coming home, but I know you
You say you'll call, but I know you won't
You say you'll call, but I know you won't

You say you'll call, but I know you
You say you're coming home, but I know you
You say you'll call, but I know you won't
You say you'll call, but I know you won't

~ Carrie Underwood ~